aspheric lens中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

#1. aspheric lenses - 非球面透鏡 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
以aspheric lenses 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 ... 電子計算機名詞, 非球面透鏡, aspherical lens. 學術名詞 電子工程
#2. 非球面镜片(Aspheric lenses)~有什么优点 - 眼睛会说话
非球面镜片(Aspheric lenses)~有什么优点. 今日,戴眼镜是件非常普遍的事。 有很多因素会间接或直接影响配戴者的清晰度与舒适感。让我们来看看镜片的 ...
#3. aspheric lens - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"aspheric lens" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
aspheric lens中文 ::非球面鏡頭…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋aspheric lens的中文翻譯,aspheric lens的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#5. 非球面陣列透鏡之射出成形研究__臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統
詳目顯示 ; 論文摘要本研究設計與製造非球面陣列透鏡(Aspheric Lens Array, ALA)作為成像與照明兩種用途之光學元件。 ; 機械工程系 · 2011 · 中文 · 283.
aspheric中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. ... 英漢詞典提供【aspheric】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... aspheric lens[光] 非球面透鏡,[光] 非球面鏡頭.
#7. aspheric lenses的中文意思 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
aspheric lenses 中文 意思是什麼 ... This part including : the design of typical aspheric opthalmoscopy lenses, test and making of 20d single asphere lens, ...
#8. 全面採用非球面透鏡
While aspheres may seem more complicated than spherical lenses, ... Improvements in aspheric grinding and polishing are driving the increase in optical ...
aspheric lens 的解释是:非球面镜头… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:aspheric lens的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#10. aspherical lens — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
The apparatus comprises: an FA, an LA, an aspherical lens, a filter, and a reflector. 一种光路处理方法和装置,该装置包括:FA、LA、非球面透镜、滤波片和反射 ...
#11. Aspheric lens - Wikipedia
An aspheric lens or asphere is a lens whose surface profiles are not portions of a sphere or cylinder. In photography, a lens assembly that includes an ...
#12. 非球面的翻译结果 - 一本词典
aspherical surface (565); aspheric surface (423); aspherical lens (379); aspheric lens (244) ... 来源:专利文献 中文专利号:CN1181306A 英文专利号:US6276994.
#13. aspherical lens – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
aspherical lens · 技术 · 非球面镜头 · 空间 · 消球差透镜; 非球面透镜 · aspheric lens ... aspherical lens: 4 短语, 2 学科 ...
#14. Aspheric lens: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
Aspheric lens : 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语.
#15. aspheric lens中文、Aspherical - 手搖飲社群資訊站
在aspheric lens中文這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者vgbvgb也提到https://t.me/zombitinfo/2111 【Web3|Aave 團隊發佈基於Polygon 的Web3 社交協議Lens ...
#16. aspheric lens是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释- 英语词典
aspheric lens 是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释简介:asphericlens词语:asphericlens解释:非球面透镜,消球差透镜词性:名词词典:航海专业英汉词典asphericlens相关 ...
#17. aspheric lens_中文翻译 - 术语宝典
术语【aspheric lens】的中文翻译和解释,aspheric lens:非球面透鏡.
#18. aspheric的中文意思翻譯和英語場景例句- 留聲詞典
A method to measure coaxiality of axisymmetric aspheric lens is introduced. 介紹了一種軸對稱非球面透鏡的光軸共軸度的測量方法. speaker.
#19. ASPHERICAL 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
Aspherical Lens. 透镜非球面. 人们也翻译. aspherical lenses. Narrow Aspherical Glass Lens with Chucking Area. 带区窄幅非球面玻璃透镜. Aspherical glass- As a ...
#20. 什么是非球面透镜?(aspheric lenses?) - tl80互动问答网
什么是非球面透镜?(aspheric lenses?) ... 非球面透镜是任何其表面角度和轮廓既不是球体的一部分也不是圆柱体的一部分的透镜。传统透镜的整个表面都有相同 ...
#21. Spheric vs. aspheric contact lenses: Which are better?
The curvature of a contact lens can be either spherical or aspherical. Aspheric contact lenses provide more precise light guidance than spheric ...
#22. Aspheric Lenses - Newport
Aspheric lenses have much lower f-numbers, allowing them to perform better than spherical lenses in light collection, projection, illumination, ...
#23. Aspheric Lenses: Costs & Comparisons (+ Pros & Cons)
Aspheric lenses are a new optical technology that is improving images from cameras, telescopes, and other optical devices.
#24. 12.5mm Dia, 0.66 Numerical Aperture Uncoated, Aspheric Lens
TECHSPEC Precision Aspheric Lenses used in optics and photonics applications are available at Edmund Optics.
#25. Aspherical Lenses_CASTECH INC.
Aspherical Lenses -CASTECH INC. -Aspheric lenses have its advantages in a range of applications where eliminated spherical aberration or single element ...
#26. What is the Difference Between Spherical and Aspheric Lenses?
There are many aspheric lenses advantages. For example, aspherical lenses are precisely designed and optimized for the combination of lens powers, so they are ...
#27. aspherical翻译为:非球面的- 听力课堂在线翻译
aspherical 的中文意思:非球面的,点击查看详细解释:aspherical的中文 ... Measurement of the aspherical lens with maximum inclination angle 55 degrees .
#28. definition of aspheric lens by Medical dictionary
Generally, an aspheric lens is dispensed to the most positive powered eye in order to reduce spectacle magnification. Managing dispensing non-tolerances.
#29. Basic knowledge of aspheric lens technology - Hyperion Optics
Aspheric lenses (rays converge to the same point and provides optical quality) basically eliminate spherical aberrations produced by spherical lenses (rays ...
#30. Aspheric lens | Products | Isuzu Glass Ltd.
Aspheric lens. In preference to the conventional but more difficult grind/polish method, Isuzu Glass uses a manufacturing process by which softened glass is ...
#31. Aspherical Lenses - Optical components, Laser accessories
Aspherical Lenses. Aspheric lenses are designed to focus or collimate light without introducing spherical aberration into the transmitted wavefront.
#32. Sensor aspheric lens - 超精密模压玻璃非球面透镜
Sensor aspheric lens. Get it right now! Victel Optics Molded Ultra-Precision Glass Aspherical Lenses. Through the use of Victel Optics glass molding ...
#33. Synopsys' CODE V Enhances Aspheric Lens System Design
This means that an aspheric lens can be used to replace multiple spherical lenses, thereby creating a device that is smaller, lighter and potentially less ...
#34. aspheric lens system 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
aspheric lens system 中文意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. aspheric lens system 解釋. 非球面透鏡系統. aspheric: 不圓的; lens: n (pl lenses)1 透鏡;一組透鏡。2 【解剖 ...
#35. aspheric lens - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONS
Perfect AS 30 UV are spherical contact lenses with an aspheric lens design , which can be used to correct minor astigmatism and with proper ...
#36. (50th anniversary) Aspherical lens elements - Canon Global
An aspherical lens element ensures light rays converge at the same position. Correcting distortion. Distortion is another type of aberration that can be ...
#37. Aspheric lens - Optoaxis Photonics Inc
Aspheric lens. ○ Designed for Nd:YAG Laser Wavelengths ○ High Damage Thresholds ○UV Fused Silica Substrate.
#38. Aspheric Single Vision - Hoya Vision Care
Photochromic lenses. Sunwear and Tinted Lenses. Lens Materials. For spectacle wearers. Single Vision Lenses. Progressive Lenses. Indoor Lenses.
#39. 國立陽明交通大學電機工程學系
“Optimum electrostatic force control for fabricating a hybrid UV-curable aspheric lens,” K.-Y. Hung, L.-W. Chang, F.-G. Tseng, J.-C. Chiou, and ...
#40. Aspherical Lenses - Jenoptik
Polymer aspherical lenses have a non-spherical surface, with the result that they increase the quality of optical imaging. Contact us for more information.
#41. Ultra Precision Surface Grinding for Large Scale Non ...
The experiments of new wedged aspheric lens with the dimension of ... 【中文摘要】 针对非轴对称非球面的成形加工法柔性不足及球形砂轮加工法对工具和机械的要求 ...
#42. Aspherical Glass Molded Lenses | Products - AGC
Using precise glass molding techniques, AGC manufactures various aspherical glass lenses in response to customers' requirements. Lens shape: biconvex, meniscus ...
#43. 球面鏡片和非球面鏡片的分別
球面鏡片(Spherical lens) VS 非球面鏡片(Aspherical lens) 眼睛透過球面鏡片的中心及周邊看東西時,因為中心與邊緣的光線不能將影像聚集在一個點上,令影像被折射和 ...
#44. 非球面透镜的优点 - beplay网页版本
Spherical aberration correctionThe mostsignificant benefit of a non-spherical lens is that it can be corrected forspherical aberrations.
#45. 行貨有盒Canon EF EOS RF adaptor, 攝影器材, 鏡頭及裝備
Samyang 85mm f/1.4 Aspherical lens for Canon EOS EF mount OEM Falcon商標非球面鏡片人像鏡頭佳能單反相機適用韓國製造Brand : Samyang Specification: f=85mm ...
#46. Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...
... SII 17 Ho Ft #H tegy 4 中文t + til SM S13 SI2 8 IS unit , and said first lens unit has an aspheric surface applied focal length fo which comprises : 1.
#47. Xiaomi 12S Ultra: Xiaomi's ultimate camera phone with a ...
As seen around the camera bump, the Xiaomi 12S Ultra gets a “Leica Summicron” label and it adopts an 8P aspheric lens to address flare, ...
#48. 新聞傳播學名詞 - 第 27 頁 - Google 圖書結果
英文中文 aspect ratio 畫面比例;寬高比;縱橫比 Asperger syndrome 亞斯伯格症候群 aspherical lens 非球面透鏡 assemble 順片 assemble editing 組合式剪輯 ...
#49. Official Specifications Of Xiaomi 12S, Xiaomi 12S Pro And ...
The 50.3MP main camera features an eight-section aspherical lens, octa-PD autofocus, lens edge ink coating, and multi-layer ALD ultra-low ...
#50. 隱形眼鏡Soft Contact Lenses|球面vs非球面Sphere vs ...
隱形眼鏡Soft Contact Lenses |球面vs非球面Sphere vs Asphere【照顧自己】訂閲傻雀 https://www.youtube.com/c/LilyLamChannel?sub_confirmation=1 ...
#51. デジタルカメラ、ミラーレスカメラ、交換レンズの総合サイト ...
新品から中古まで、様々なカメラ関連商品の販売・下取見積をご提供しております。 ログイン |; 新規会員登録 |; メルマガ登録 |; ENGLISH /; 中文 · (0).
aspheric lens中文 在 隱形眼鏡Soft Contact Lenses|球面vs非球面Sphere vs ... 的推薦與評價
隱形眼鏡Soft Contact Lenses |球面vs非球面Sphere vs Asphere【照顧自己】訂閲傻雀 https://www.youtube.com/c/LilyLamChannel?sub_confirmation=1 ... ... <看更多>